What Kind Of Commercial Insurance Does A Small Business Owner Need?

Now that you've compiled a list of everything your company needs to be covered, it's time to match your assets and risks to the appropriate insurance plans. Having the correct commercial insurance Claresholm coverage is vital for small businesses to protect their firm, employees and assets from unforeseen events. If you're considering a commercial insurance policy for the first time, you're probably having trouble deciding what kind of policy to get. You're putting your company at risk if you don't have the right insurance. Here's a list of the types of insurance that a small business owner should have so that they can familiarise themselves with the options: 1. General Liability Insurance: Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance covers and protects your business from personal harm or property damage caused by your services, products, or operations. It may also include the landlord's property if you are held liable for the damages. 2. Commerci...